Some Deleted Scenes Too

Kemang Wa Lehulere

Some Deleted Scenes Too

The catalogue of Kemang Wa Lehulere's first exhibition at Stevenson commences with the script for Some Deleted Scenes, introducing some of the characters, concepts and processes that appear in the performances, wall drawing and ink drawings that make up the show. Images of the works are followed by a section of interviews that brings the reader/viewer up to date with Wa Lehulere's production so far. Kathryn Smith covers the artist's biography, including his roots in the theatre, intial studies at CAP/AMAC, involvement in the Gugulective and Center for Historical Reenactments, and his work up to July 2011. Lerato Bereng discusses the artist's involvement in the New Museum triennial, The Ungovernables, and recent work up to and including this solo show.

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Published by Stevenson | Catalogue 65, September 2012
Softcover, 64 pages | Unavailable